International Transcript Evaluation Process and Services
Students that have attended a college outside of the United States who wish for Solano College to consider their units be applied towards a degree or certificate may have their International transcripts evaluated by outside credential service.
International transcript evaluations will be at the expense of the student.
Solano College reserves the right to refuse any courses and does not guarantee that having an International transcript evaluation will yield any transferrable coursework. Reviews are done on a case-by-case basis.
Evaluations must include a course-by-course review with course titles, semester unit values, letter grades earned, and lower/upper division course level status and translated into English (if applicable).
Only coursework as determined by a NACES-approved credential evaluation service (list of approved evaluation agencies: PLEASE NOTE: the credential evaluation service must have been an approved member of NACES on or after the date the international transcript evaluation is done.
Course will need to be deemed to be equivalent to a regionally accredited college in the United States to be considered as being potentially transferrable to Solano College.
Only coursework determined by a NACES-approved evaluation service as equivalent to a regionally accredited college in the U.S. may potentially meet SCC GE, non-ADT major, or certificate requirements. Students wishing for international coursework to be used to meet specific course requirements for SCC GE, non-ADT majors, or certificates must submit course descriptions in English along with course substitution petitions. Course descriptions are not needed to clear SCC prerequisites.
International coursework from non-U.S. regionally accredited institutions cannot be used to meet IGETC-GE (except for IGETC Lang Other than English Requirement), CSU-GE, or Associate Degree for Transfer requirements. To see if an international college institution holds regional accreditation by one of the regional accrediting bodies, please visit: and
Transfer of credit policy varies throughout institutions; each institution will review coursework according to their own evaluation criteria. Students who plan to transfer to a four-year college are advised to review the transfer credit policy of the transfer institution.